Q. Is it mandatory to give two references of relatives when I register to SONARSOCIETY.COM as Primary Member ?
A. Exactly. It is mandatory to give two references of Sonar relatives. It's only to ensure that only Sonar Community is registered.
Q. Is SONARSOCIETY.COM is only for Sonar Community ? Can other persons from other caste register ?
A. Yes. SONARSOCIETY.COM is only for Sonar Community. You should be Sonar by caste to be a part of it. Other caste persons can not register.
Q. After registration to SONARSOCIETY.COM, when our registration is approved ?
A. Normally it takes 24 hrs, becauseit is ensured that registered person is Sonar. Some guidelines are followed to ensure this.
Q. How I come to know that my registration is approved in SONARSOCIETY.COM ?
A. Once your registration as Primary Member is approved, you get confirmation & welcome message on your registered what's up number & Email.
Q. Once my registration to SONARSOCIETY.COM is approved, What I can do ?
A. After approval, you can invite your Sonar friends & relatives to invite to SONARSOCIETY.COM. You get special Invitation Link. You can even enjoy Matrimony Services for free. You will be able to enjoy various premium services being launched shortly.
Q. Why I should register to SONARSOCIETY.COM ?
A. Registration to SONARSOCIETY.COM is optional. You are joining a complete Sonar Community Online Platform for many good reasons.
- As a responsible Sonar, you can support & guide also.
- Its just like using one more social media platform. But this platform is only for Sonar Community to get mutual benefits lifetime. Joining early as Primary member & Inviting our Community will help you to enjoy special services & recognition.
Q. Can I guide / support to SONARSOCIETY.COM ?
A. You are welcome. Every person is unique & support/guide in various fields as per his/her expertise & wish.
Q. After Primary registration to SONARSOCIETY.COM, should I edit my Profile & Why ?
A. Yes. You need to edit your Profile completely & help your family nembers for the same.It will be displayed once all necessary concerned information is available.
Q. How I can communicate to SONARSOCIETY.COM ?
A. You can communicate via helpline number. You will get updates/offers in your Dashboard. So keep watching your Dashboard.
Q. While registration to SONARSOCIETY.COM, Can I use Mobile number as USERNAME ?
A. No. When you register to SONARSOCIETY.COM for the first time, you need to fix your USERNAME & PASSWORD. After approval,you can LOGIN by your registered Mobile Number.
Q. If I forgot my USERNAME & PASSWORD, what should I do ?
A. Don't worry. Check your registered Email & Mobile for messages from us.
Q. Is it essential to become Primary Member of SONARSOCIETY.COM if I wish to use MATRIMONY ?
A. Yes. Every Sonar should become Primary member Of SONARSOCIETY.COM. If you become Primary Member then only you can use services like Matrimony & other services launching shortly.
Q. Is it essential to register to SONARSOCIETY.COM if I do not want to take service of MATRIMONY ?
A. Yes. Exactly. Every SONAR need to become Primary Member of SONARSOCIETY.COM though you are not interested for MATRIMONY service. You can use other services launching shortly besides Matrimony.
Q. How I can use MATRIMONY after registration with SONARSOCIETY.COM ?
A. Once you register to SONARSOCIETY.COM as Primary Member, You go to your Dashboard & click MATRIMONY TAB that's all.
Q. Is Matrimony service is totally free ?
A. Yes. It's totally free from Profile Search to access to contact details of parents etc. Many people do not believe this. We run our software company at Nagpur & committed to give free Matrimon y Service to our Sonar Community as a social service. In addition to this, our expert paid staff is there to help you for counselling & training on our helpline number : w) 9172639185
Q. What is helpline number of MATRIMONY ?
A. You can contact on w) 9172639185 for any support
Q. What are working hours of MATRIMONY service ?
A. Our working hours are : Tuesday to Sunday : 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM. Monday is weekly off.
Q. Can I get Resume/Biodata of any candidate on my mobile ?
A. No. We do not send Resume/Biodata to anybody on their mobile. It's only to safeguard privacy of your personal details. We request you not to request for the same.
Q. Should I create my Matrimony Profile again in SONARSOCIETY.COM : MATRIMONY when I have already registered in some magazine, social media groups etc. ?
A. It's your choice. It's not compulsory. It's your judgement. But think smart.What is your loss if you get more & better options like search by Qualification, Profession,City, Sonar Subcaste, Income of candidates ?
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